About Us

The CDS,UK shall remain a secular and politically non- partisan voluntary organisation.

The aim of CDS is to strengthen the connection and ties between the people of Chunarughat Upozella residing in the UK. Unite and represent Chunarughat adequately and fairly in the UK and globally under the banner of CDSUK, established 2016.

Raise public awareness on various issues that are affecting them abroad and here in the UK or in Chunarughat, Habiganj, Bangladesh. Act as a united voice of Chunarughat to preserve our cultural heritage and the common interests and benefits here in the UK and in Bangladesh.

Together we're a force for good

We want to do something for others, This is a Charity organisation.

We are inclinded to give to the less fortunate for the pure goodness of giving.


Chunarughat Development Society UK

Est. 2016

Our objective is to act as a united voice of Chunarughat to preserve our cultural heritage and the common interests and benefits here in the UK and in Bangladesh.

Help and support for equal opportunity, human rights and
justice for deprived. Relieving members of CDSUK and dwellers of
Chunarughat those who are in bereavement and under the
conditions of poverty, sickness and distress is such a ways as
the EC of CDSUK may from time to time decide, and which may
include the provision of medical help, grants, rehabilitation and
welfare for the vulnerable people of Chunarughat here in the
UK and in Bangladesh.


Our vision is to promote, support or organise the provision of facilities for
recreation and leisure time occupation and advance education
by organising cultural educational, social and sports activities of
a non-political nature for the people of Chunarughat living in the
UK, and in furtherance of the foregoing objects to encourage
and participation of individuals, families and groups in activities
run by CDSUK.


Mission is to Help and support for equal opportunity, human rights and justice for deprived. Relieving members of CDSUK and dwellers of Chunarughat those who are in bereavement and under the conditions of poverty, sickness and distress is such a ways as the EC of CDSUK may from time to time decide, and which may include the provision of medical help, grants, rehabilitation and welfare for the vulnerable people of Chunarughat here in the UK and in Bangladesh.






United Kingdom

How do I become a member?

Interested in becoming a member of CDS-UK? Fill in your information here.